Our club April 15 meeting program via zoom is:
New Member Talk by Juliette Barredo
All welcome to meet Juliette as she shares about her background, profession, and "Why Rotary?".
- Please join us! No need to RSVP -
Go to next screen for zoom meeting details.
Recurring 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 6.30pm ET:
Recurring 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 6.30pm ET:
Meeting ID: 851 7289 8099
Passcode: 613148
Passcode: 613148
One tap mobile:
+13017158592,,85172898099#,,,,,,0#,,613148# US
+13017158592,,85172898099#,,,,,,0#,,613148# US
Dial by phone: 301.715.8592
Questions? Email us at FallsChurchRotary@gmail.com.
* * * * *
Falls Church Rotary continues to meet virtually due to public health concerns. In non social distancing times: we enjoy dinner together at a local restaurant. Visiting Rotarians, prospective members, and public welcome.
Falls Church Rotary continues to meet virtually due to public health concerns. In non social distancing times: we enjoy dinner together at a local restaurant. Visiting Rotarians, prospective members, and public welcome.
Club meetings are held 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month at 6.30 pm, with interesting programs & speakers. On 5th Thursdays, we sometimes meet for a social activity at a local bar or other venue. Our club brochure is at --> https://bit.ly/FallsChurchRotary-BrochureStory.
Our Club Service chair, LIndsay Barnes, is scheduling our meeting program speakers. If you have an idea for a topic or speaker, please email to his attention at FallsChurchRotary@gmail.com.
Not sure what #Rotary is?...
Maybe you've seen a need in our community & wondered how you could help. Maybe you want to use your professional skills to help others -- or even learn new skills. Maybe you're seeking connections with other service-minded professionals locally & abroad. Then maybe #Rotary is for you!
More info at www.linktr.ee/FallsChurchRotary to check our speakers schedule & upcoming events.
Join us for fun & fellowship! Our Falls Church Rotary has been celebrating "Service Above Self" since 1952! Learn more about #ServiceAboveSelf & Rotary service at www.rotary.org.