Our next zoom meeting on April 1 features special guest Virginia Delegate Marcus B. Simon (53rd District), with an update on the 2021 General Assembly legislative session and new state laws.
Bring your questions and concerns -- all welcome!
Here is background info at the VA General Assembly website: https://virginiageneralassembly.gov/lawAndResources.php?secid=21&activesec=3#!hb=1&mainContentTabs=0
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- Please join us! No need to RSVP -
Recurring 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 6.30pm ET:
Meeting ID: 851 7289 8099
Passcode: 613148
Passcode: 613148
One tap mobile:
+13017158592,,85172898099#,,,,,,0#,,613148# US
+13017158592,,85172898099#,,,,,,0#,,613148# US
Dial by phone: 301.715.8592
Questions? Email us at FallsChurchRotary@gmail.com.